
Steve & Rhonda Williams

Bishop Pastor & Sister Williams came to Linton to begin pastoring a single church over 10 years ago. Their pastorate began with a small group of just 8 people. However, under their leadership the church has grown and developed to now be a multi-campus church with a talented and well equipped ministry team to help facilitate the growth and revival that God has for Greene County! Our Bishop and 1st Lady are one of a kind individuals who serve the Lord and this church family with joy, patience, love, and even a little laughter.


Sr. Pastor

Michael & Jennifer Gouldsmith

Sr. Pastor and Sister Gouldsmith have been an integral part of the growth of our church. As Pastors they help guide and set the direction and vision for the church and its future. Their time is largely focused on developing ministers and investing into people who can in turn invest into our communities, church family, and campuses. They have an overwhelming contagious passion to see lives changed, families healed, and for people to live the life that God has for them.


Executive Pastor

Matt & Catrina Montgomery

Brother and Sister Montgomery serve as Executive Pastors over all of our campuses. They have served in ministry for many years in Greene County and now are an important part of our senior leadership team. They spend a lot of time focusing on the administrative functions of the church and overseeing many other ministries both indirectly and directly.


Assistant Pastor

John & Lydia Clark

Brother and Sister Clark are Assistant Pastors here at AGC and serve as our Youth Pastors for all of our campuses. Not only are they over our youth department they both help in many other areas. Brother Clark assists in our media department, Sister Clark sings on our praise team, and they both preach and teach at our campuses as well! The Clarks are fun, engaging, and genuine which make them a key part of our AGC ministry team!


Assistant Pastor

Tyler & Hannah Montgomery

Tyler and Hannah serve as Assistant Pastors over our School of the Prophets Discipleship class and our Care team. They also serve in many other areas of the church as well and are always eager to step in and help whenever and wherever they can!


Assistant Pastor

Ramon & Sherry Gillespie

Brother and Sister Gillespie have been faithful pillars of support for many years. Now they serve as Assistant Pastors for all of our campus and are a vital part of what happens at AGC. Brother Gillespie preaches, teaches and leads services quite often and Sister Gillespie helps with our Grandma Bault’s Soup Kitchen.


New Life Director

Teresa Dowell

Sister Teresa serves as our New Life Director, in her role she helps new converts feel at home in the church and find their place in the kingdom of God. She has a burden for connecting with new Christians and helping them find new purpose and life through Jesus!


Sr. Bishop

Bro. & Sis. Robertson

The Robertsons have served in many different ministry roles over their life. They served a tenure as the Youth Pastors for McCormick’s Creek Church and then spent the bulk of their ministry as the Pastors of McCormick’s Creek Church for over 30 years. Upon their retirement from Pastoring they came to AGC where they now serve as Bishops who act as a resource of wisdom and experience for our Senior Pastors, Pastors, and entire church family!