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Sunday Morning 12-1-24
Bishop Robertson teaching on when heaven says yes but my heart says no!
Understanding The Call to Repentance
Bishop Williams preaching on understanding the foundational concept of repentance.
When the Cloud Covers the Mountain
Senior Pastor Gouldsmith preaching on “When the cloud covers the mountain”
The Four Covenants of Man
Pastor Gouldsmith preaching on the four covenants of man, and our development in our relationship with God.
Three Strikes, You’re In
Senior Pastor preaching about the man at the pool of Bethesda and God’s plan to look for and do a miracle for those who are counted out and have three strikes against them!
Demonstration of God’s Authority Worship & Altar Call
God moved in a powerful way in this service, No preaching. Just a demonstration of his authority and power.
A Letter to the Church
Bro. Pemberton teaching on the letters to the church and their unique purposes and messages.
Spiritual Mind Set
Bro. Gillespie teaching about being spiritually minded and setting aside our base human nature.
A Reason to Dance
Bro. Pemberton teaching on the letters to the church and their unique purposes and messages.
Fitly Framed Pt. 7
Bro. Pemberton teaching the final lesson on fitly framed, Lessons in Love.
Hearing and Understand the Voice of Jesus
Senior Pastor Williams teaching on hearing and understanding the voice of God.
Fitly Framed Pt. 2
Bro. Pemberton teaching on Fitly Framed, finding your place in the Kingdom of God.